You Probably Won’t Read This Varicose Vein Article – But Should
Don’t Read This Varicose Vein Article Unless …
You’re Finally Serious about Having Your Veins Treated
Most people procrastinate about having their varicose veins treated.
Patients sense too late that that they should have come in sooner.
Why do people procrastinate? I don’t know, I’ll think about it and get back to you tomorrow.
The fact is that a lot of people neglect their varicose veins way too long.
They often delay considering treatment until there’s a problem or a complication.
Early care can allow you to avoid more invasive treatments and save you money.
Here are the most common excuses for not seeking varicose vein treatment:
- My varicose veins didn’t hurt until they got larger.
- I was hoping my varicose veins would get smaller if I exercised or lost weight.
- My family doctor told me that they were cosmetic.
- I didn’t know that they could clot and become suddenly hard and extremely painful.
- I hate doctors and needles and would rather just live with the ugly veins.
- I wasn’t aware that varicose veins could result in permanent skin discoloration or skin ulcers.
I hear these excuses all of the time.
Now that you’ve been forewarned and the treatments are so easy, there’s no reason to delay treatment any longer.
Treatments are stress-free, fast, and minimally invasive.
Varicose vein surgery is no longer required.
The standard of care for varicose vein treatment is to have it done in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia.
Critical Advice on How to get Rid of Varicose Veins in 5 Simple Steps
- Seek out a qualified vein specialist with decades of experience.
- Look for a vein center that is accredited and has been inspected.
- Ask family and friends for advice for a reputable vein center and get it done.
- Have your venous Doppler ultrasound done at a trustworthy facility. Results have been falsified at sketchy vein centers resulting in unnecessary procedures for profit.
- Never submit to a venous ultrasound if you only have spider veins.
Common Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Vein Center
Vein centers are not all the same.
Most people choose a vein clinic by convenience (read: the closest).
Our mantra is: Don’t go to the closest vein doctor or vein center just because they are close.
Concerning doctors advertising, here’s our advice.
The following list are some things you should think about when you see vein ads on TV.
- Don’t mindlessly respond to advertising. These ads smack of desperation. Their doctor’s qualifications are, shall we say, lacking.
- Before you answer that varicose vein ad, STOP and consider this for a minute … Great doctors don’t need to advertise.
- Don’t expect results like the testimonials and pictures displayed. There’s a reason for that tiny disclaimer that is rapidly displayed at the bottom of the ad.
The Bottom Line
Modern varicose vein treatments are fast and easy in most cases.
They are minimally invasive and that means no surgery, hospitals, or general anesthesia.
Recovery times are much quicker than when stripping was the norm.
Great vein centers and doctors don’t need to advertise.
All vein center web pages look the same.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the vein care provided is all the same.
Choose an accredited and inspected vein center.
Why should any vein center be exempt from inspections?
Why indeed.
Our advice is to be proactive about your varicose vein problem.
Call today at 724-987-3220 to schedule an appointment with the most qualified vein doctor in Pittsburgh at the only accredited vein center in town.