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Kavic Laser & Vein Center – Your Best Solution for Varicose Veins

How to Choose the Most Qualified Pittsburgh Vein Doctor

Dr. DR. TIMOTHY KAVIC, M.D., F.A.C.S. has the highest qualifications to perform varicose vein treatments in Pittsburgh.

No ifs ands or buts.

Let’s break down why.

#1 Training

It doesn’t get any better than UPMC.

Dr. Giraldo, M.D. has been thoroughly vetted by the most respected medical institution in the country and the world. As an instructor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, he has trained many skilled physicians did a General Surgery Residency at AGH and a three year fellowship at UPMC in Transplant Surgery.

Because of its prodigious reputation, where else would you look for medical information on the internet?

Only the very best candidates are chosen from their large pool of applicants. Only those doctors with the highest cognitive and technical skills survive the cut.

What could be better than having a bona fide graduate of the institution as your very own vein doctor?

That’s what you get at Kavic Laser & Vein Center.

#2 Board Certification

It doesn’t get any better than that being board certified as far as credentials.

Other so called specialists have switched into treating veins after training in other unrelated fields.

The hidden truth about vein doctors in Pittsburgh is the following:

Many doctors who have not been vetted are treating veins in Pittsburgh.

They have actually trained in:

Research the actual doctors and their true qualifications who are working “behind the scenes” at the various vein centers throughout Pittsburgh.

Don’t choose just a vein center in name only before you have thoroughly researched the physician’s credentials who will actually be involved with your care and will perform your treatments.

Any doctor can legally perform vein procedures.

Even one who is right out of medical school and has no residency training at all.

Vein centers are totally unregulated so you must choose wisely.

The care that people receive for their varicose veins varies enormously.

All doctors who treat varicose veins are not the same.

#3 Experience

Our Doctors have some of the longest experience in Pittsburgh.

#4 Specialty

What does the vein doctor actually specialize in?

Venous and vascular disease our doctors have chosen field of interest.

He is board certified.

Here’s a huge secret about varicose vein removal in Pittsburgh that you need to know.

The motivation of your doctor to practice in a certain field is an important factor when choosing a specialist.

  • Did the doctor become burned out and switch specialties?
  • Is the doctor working part time in a vein center to make extra money?
  • Does the doctor who is treating veins “on the side” in the med spa work also work somewhere else doing work in their originally chosen field?

#5 Reputation

The term, reputation, implies qualities in a doctor which include:

  1. Runs the highest quality facility
  2. Dr. Kavic’s ethics in treating varicose vein disease are beyond reproach.

  3. Highest ultrasound treatments

Primary care doctors themselves come to Dr. Kavic for their vein care.

They send their spouses and their family as well as their patients because of his qualifications and his results. They personally see the results and respect his judgement and ability to provide reliable and outstanding vein care.

#6 Miscellaneous Qualities of a Great Vein Doctor

Affability, ability, and availability are qualities that we expect in our physicians but rarely are they all present together.

Our internet reviews and our referring physicians can attest to this.

In addition, these days the integrity and ethics of doctors practicing in the vein field has been questioned.

For good reason.

In Pittsburgh, we see questionable ethical vein practices that are operating on the fringes.

For example, does it sound right that patients should be enticed to come to a doctor’s office?

Incentives include preloaded credit cards to come to a vein office where they will also receive a free consult. (Never mind that you won’t ever see a doctor until the day of your procedure).

Credit cards worth $25 to $50 are to given by these sketchy practices to lure people in for a free consult.

That is simply disgraceful.

These places are also notorious for free consultations, free screenings, raffles, booths at health fairs, and give-away goodies at events.

These places call it marketing.

Aggressive marketing for veins is ubiquitous in Pittsburgh.

Advertisements for vein centers are everywhere.

Dr. Kavic doesn’t and won’t ever advertise.

Not even for all of the varicose veins in China.

Are There Differences in Expected and Actual Results in Varicose Vein Surgery?

The rapid growth in varicose vein surgery is documented by the results of the registries of the American Venous Forum and the American College of Phlebology.

Notwithstanding, the actual outcomes of these reported varicose vein procedures continue to be challenged by some.

Arguably, the registry results were often carried out in large referral centers, and the procedures were performed by highly vetted vein specialists.

It has therefore been unsubstantiated that these superior results may not truly reflect those performed in the phlebology community at large (spas and franchises).

Don’t trust your legs to just any doctor at a “Vein Center, Vein Institute, or Med Spa” that you happen to drive by.

Many unhappy people come to Dr. Kavic for a second opinion after making the mistake of choosing the closest clinic for convenience.

Usually they can’t even remember the name of the vein doctor where they had their procedure done.

Investigate the doctor’s qualifications thoroughly before seeking help at just any old vein center.


Why choose Kavic Laser & Vein Center?

Any licensed medical doctor can legally perform vein procedures.

Levels of training and experience in vein surgery vary widely.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid vein doctors who are not experienced vascular surgeons.

Let’s review.

Experience correlates strongly with good results.

When you choose the most qualified vein doctor in Pittsburgh, you are on the road to a great result.

Contact Dr. Kavic  at 724-987-3220 or click here to make an appointment.

You’ll be in good hands.

Pittsburgh Vein Doc :Treatment of leg vein disorders has changed dramatically through the years. Our team is entirely committed to the latest treatments of varicose vein disease.